Projection (mathematics)

Generally speaking, in mathematics, a projection is a mapping of a set (or of a mathematical structure) which is idempotent, which means that a projection is equal to its composition with itself. A projection may also refer to a mapping which has a left inverse. Both notions are strongly related, as follows. Let p be an idempotent map from a set E into itself (thus pp = IdE) and F = p(E) be the image of p. If we denote by π the map p viewed as a map from E onto F and by i the injection of F into E, then we have i∘π = IdF. Conversely, i∘π = IdF implies that π∘i is idempotenT.

Originally, the notion of projection was introduced in Euclidean geometry to denotes the projection of the Euclidean space of dimension three onto a plane in it. The two main projections of this kind are

Various other projections, called projection maps have been defined for the need of cartography. The 3D projections are also at the basis of the theory of perspective.

The need of unifying the two kinds of projections and of defining the image by a central projection of any point different of the center of projection are at the origin of projective geometry.

The original notion of projection has been extended or generalized to various mathematical situations, frequently, but not always, related to geometry, for example: